Monday, May 26, 2014

May 26, 2014

Dear family and friends,
This week was pretty good. We visited a lot of members. So the mission has a goal of baptizing 60 people in June this year. So we in the Cantonese West area are planning to participate in this goal. Jennifer and Peter are the people that we have been working with and we are praying and working to achieve this goal.
This week we taught Jennifer at her home. We planned out the lesson before and in the lesson the Spirit was really strong. It was an exciting experience and I continued to feel the Spirit all night. We helped her feel the Holy Ghost and she realized that even though she didn't know the gospel in her earlier years. I know that God helps anyone who sincerely prays and takes care of His children.
I know that God lives! We can feel the Holy Ghost if we desire to feel Him and do His will.
See you next week!

Elder Lee

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

May 20, 2014 19 lessons this week!

Dear family and friends,
This week was a pretty normal. We taught 19 lessons this week which was incredible. There isn't a lot of other exciting news though. Yesterday was Victoria Day and my companion and I went out found some young new investigators who we are excited to teach again soon. 
So we are just continuing to work. I'll bring you good news.
Elder Lee

Monday, May 12, 2014

Spiritual experience with mission president

Dear family and friends,
Yesterday was mother's day and we got to talk with our family on Skype. It was a good time and I got to see everyone in my family.
This past week was special because both Cantonese West and East areas did well and we achieved Standards together. It is amazing to see the progress that we have made as a whole. When I came into the area 6 moths ago, none of the areas of even close to that level of effectiveness and Heavenly Father has surely blessed us with our performance in bringing multiple souls unto Christ. 
On Tuesday I got to talk with the mission president. It was a spiritual experience bearing my testimony to him. I am kind of sad at the same time because we only have a chance to see him once or twice before he leaves the mission in July. 
Our investigators are doing alright. We are continuing to teach and are making real progress so we are happy. 
Elder Lee
Write me!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Hong Kong Investigator

Dear Family and Friends,
This week was pretty good. We were able to find some families to teach so that is very exciting. I will get to see you in just a couple days over Skype so I am going to keep this letter short today. 
Peter is one of our investigator and his baptism is coming up. He is from Hong Kong and he is very willing to learn the gospel. Simon, our recent convert, has became friends with Peter through and his influence is big on Peter's decision to be baptized. Simon testified of the Gospel and the cleansing power of baptism and because of that Peter is more willing to experiment on the words.
So yeah everything is going well! Hopefully I can bring you some good news next week!
Elder Lee