Monday, June 30, 2014

June 30, 2014 Awesome week

Dear family and friends!

This week was an amazing week! We taught a lot of lessons and we are having a lot of success with setting baptismal goals for our investigators. We are expecting 4 of them to be baptized in the next 6 weeks. 

The work is definitely going well right now. One of our investigator, Aaron, that we found at the bus terminal is planning to be baptized in July. In fact, he wants to be baptized right now but we decided it is best for him to come to church a couple times first. God does help us find prepared people to teach and send the Spirit to help us teach along the way. 

Elder Lee

Monday, June 23, 2014

June 23, 2014

Dear family and freinds,
This week was pretty good. We again taught a lot of lessons and work is starting to take off. We found a twenty year old guy on Saturday. His name is Aaron and he agreed to meet us on Sunday. We taught a wonderful first lesson and he committed to be baptized next month.
So that is exciting. We are also working with a lot of our ESL students. They have a surprisingly strong desire to learn the Gospel and come to church.
I am doing the work and I am enjoying it.
Elder Lee

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

June 16, 2014

Dear family and friends,

This week was good! We found quite a bit of new investigators and are currently working on helping them to learn about baptism and to set baptismal dates with them. Most of these students were found through the ESL class that missionaries host. 

Other than that there aren't anything special that happened this week. Still working hard and I am excited to work harder this summer.

Elder Lee

Monday, June 9, 2014

June 9, 2014

Dear family and friends,

This week was an amazing week. On Wednesday, Elder Moore and I decided to go visit a member in the ward. He has been less-active for a a couple years and he used to go to the mandarin ward so no one in this ward know about him. We went to his door and talked with him for a little bit by his door and that was it for that day. We thought that there was nothing much we can do. On Thursday night, we were waiting at the bus stop. There was a lady walking towards me and getting in line for the same bus as we do. We began to talk with her and soon she recognized the name of the church.Then she said that her husband used to go to our church and that we probably wouldn't know him. We told her that we did! and that we have visited him the night before. We then taught her the first lesson on the bus and now we are planning to teach her. 

I am grateful that the Holy Ghost told us to visit the husband the night before. If not, we wouldn't have this special experience. Now we have a chance to help her be baptized and hopefully help them get married in the temple one day. 

So that was amazing and the Spirit was very strong even when we taught on a noisy bus.

How are you doing? Write me!

Elder Lee

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

June 3, 2014 Staying! 6-th transfer in Cantonese begins‏

Dear family and friends,
This week was good! We had stake conference and  we invited some investigators to go. Most of the conference was a broadcast from Salt Lake City with Elder Holland and President Eyring. It was good to listen to them.
So we are not going to move this transfer! This means that this will be my 6-th tranfer here in Cantones West. I am kinda glad to be able to stay and to continue to work with the people in this area.
So this week we got in a car accident, my companion was driving and he hit the car infront of us. So for about a week, I think, we won't get to ride the car. That is OK! beause we will get the chance to talk to more people on buses and on streets.
Any news from you? I'd like to here from you all.

Elder Lee