Monday, March 30, 2015

March 30, 2015

Dear family and friends,

This week has been a good week! Fiona was baptized and confirmed! On Friday she had a great baptismal service and then on Sunday she was confirmed! It has been awesome being here in Markham watching two of our sisters enter into the covenant this month. 

So now Elder Lee and I have no one really progressing! Please pray that we'll find someone prepared to hear the gospel! 

I really hope that this coming Sunday we'll be able to achieve standards of excellent. It is going to take a lot of faith and hard work. 

The weather is slowly getting better. Sometimes it'll get above 0 and sometimes it goes back down. Almost all the snow is gone though which is great. 

We'll keep you updated for anything exciting! 

Elder Lee

Monday, March 23, 2015

March 23, 2015 Tam-Tam Lee-Lee

Dear family and friends,
How are you all? 

This week was great! Emily was confirmed and she was so happy afterwards. Her son Leo was there and we hope that he can follow his mom's example too someday.
This has been one of the fastest transfers I've had in the field! The transfer call came and Cantonese is splitting into two areas again. We are going to work so hard to get both areas to increase in work load. My new companion is Elder Lee from Chai Wan ward. Same stake eh? My two companions E.Tam and E.Tam are in the east side. Tam Tam Lee Lee.
We came up with an explanation that Lee-Tam and Lee-Tam would be too confusing for everyone so president clayton probably chuckled a bit when he made that decision.
Anyway, I'm excited for this transfer!
Elder Lee

Monday, March 16, 2015

March 16, 2015

Dear family and friends,
This week was pretty good! We had stake conference and it was really enjoyable.
We have been teaching an investigator, Fiona, and it was really cool to see her gain a testimony. It happened while I was gone on an exchange. Elder Kunz replaced me an he bore his testimony and it really helped her feel the Spirit. I am so glad that he was there that day even though I didn't get to see it. She is being strengthened more and more and came to stake conference too.
God is in the works! She has been prepared to meet us. Well she'll be baptized not the coming week but the next. I probably won't be transferred... Not again.
Elder Lee

Monday, March 9, 2015

March 9, 2015 Baptism

Dear family and friends,
This week Emily was baptized! It was a great service yesterday and it was definitely the highlight of the week. She was a member's friend and she was interested right away to learn of the gospel.
We forgot the camera so no pictures till later.
I am so glad to be able to help the ward grow stronger. "The success of The Church is determined by the spiritual strength of individual members." Emily's testimony will grow even more and she will be a valuable asset in the Lord's hand.
Well, lets get back to work!
Elder Lee

Monday, March 2, 2015

March 2, 2015

Dear family and friends,

This week was good. Nothing too crazy happened. 

Our investigators that are preparing for baptism are encountering some difficulties... Satan is so real! We are continuing to work hard to help them overcome those bad influences. 

It was cool this week that I got to teach a friend from back in Hong Kong that went to my secondary school. She is studying in the University of Toronto now. 

We also had our Chinese new year ward party this week and it was good as well. 

That's this week. 

Elder Lee